Sonntag , 8 September 2024

Xortx Therapeutics: Now it’s time for the final spurt!

Xortx Therapeutics is now in the thick of things. The FDA has granted the company’s drug candidate the right to accelerated approval. Now the market is waiting for a licensing deal and the start of the decisive phase III with a partner.

Xortx Therapeutics: Drug candidate receives orphan drug status

Xortx Tehrapeutics (XRTX | $ 0.81 | € 0,76 | CA98420Q2071), the biotech company with listing on Nasdaq, has a potential blockbuster in its portfolio with the drug candidate X-RX-008. At the time, the company had applied for orphan drug status with the US regulatory authority FDA. This was granted at the end of April – an accolade in the industry and an important milestone for the company. In the meantime, a so-called Type D meeting has been held with the agency to discuss the details of an accelerated approval procedure, the clinical study protocol and the submitted plans for the future clinical development program. X-RX-008 is targeting a billion-dollar market. In the U.S. alone, 150,000 people are treated for cystic kidney disease. The cost of dialysis is roughly $90,000 per patient. Xortx would have chances to capture a relevant part of the market if Phase III is successful and approval is granted.

Share in sideways mode!

But there is still a long way to go until then – according to the plan in 2026. And it’s a rocky one. For example, despite the success at the FDA, the share has barely moved since February and is only minimally ahead. Every hint of higher prices has been countered by selling. Due to the high volume, CEO Allen W. Davidoff assumes that many bots trade the stock automatically. On some days, the volume was several times the number of shares issued.

Nevertheless, the company is doing well. Currently, it has $8 million in the account with a stock market value of $12 million. The company burns only 500,000 US dollars per month. However, at least 35 million US dollars are needed for Phase III. Davidoff wants to raise this amount by means of a license partner. The company’s CEO confirmed to Investor Magazin that the company is talking to four pharmaceutical companies. They are to express their interest in a partnership in writing by the end of May. If everything goes well, there could be a deal in three months – but failure is also possible.

Xortx Therapeutics: Four pharmaceutical companies show interest

Typically, such a partnership consists of a one-time payment at the beginning (upfront), milestone payments during further development and a royalty, i.e. a share of sales, once the drug candidate has become an approved drug. Davidoff estimates the target market North America to be worth at least one billion dollars.

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The task now is to bag a deal that also pleases the shareholders. Many funds bought shares at the time of the IPO at 4 US dollars and participated in the financing later at well over 3 US dollars. But the timing was bad; the biotech sector has been in a bear market for a good two years. The shaky market environment and interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve were also not conducive. A licensing deal should help Xortx stock break free. How much will come out of such a deal is hard to say. There is virtually no competition in cystic kidney. The only approved drug, tolvaptan from Otsuka Pharma, is used in less than ten percent of patients. For the rest, the only option currently available is dialysis, which is expensive and severely limits people’s lives.

In any case, the analysts at Alliance Global Partners out of New York are optimistic and have confirmed their target price for the Xortx Therapeutics share following the granting of orphan drug status. They see $9 as a fair value. However, with the often too optimistic analysts from North America – you can always halve the price target! But if half the price target is reached, Xortx would already be a really good investment. With biotech stocks, however, the following always applies: The risk of failure is just as great as the opportunity to make money!


Please note: The author owns shares in Xortx Therapeutics. Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below).

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harts/Tabellen: Das Investor Magazin, Xortx Therapeutics



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