Freitag , 14 Februar 2025

Enapter: Iridium-free electrolysis – the decisive competitive advantage?

Just eight tons: That’s all the iridium mined worldwide each year. The extremely rare and expensive metal is a key component for the energy transition. However, due to its low availability, the metal could become a showstopper for the hydrogen industry. The German company Enapter, of all companies, could benefit from this.

Iridium: rare, expensive, important!

Iridium is used in numerous areas.From the automotive industry for spark plugs and catalytic converters to high-temperature alloys and coatings in the aerospace industry and medical technology, for example in stents. Now another application is emerging that will further increase the demand for iridium: Green hydrogen from wind and solar energy. This is produced using electrolysers. Different technologies are used for this. Currently, PEM technology (proton exchange membrane) is the top dog when it comes to green hydrogen, which is also used by NEL, ITN-Power and Plugpower. However, as the liquid electrolyte of PEM is highly alkaline, it requires an iridium coating as corrosion protection. AEL technology (alkaline electrolysis), on the other hand, does not require iridium. However, AEL electrolysers require a permanently constant current voltage to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Since solar and wind energy are highly fluctuating energy sources due to fluctuations in the time of day, lulls and gusts as well as clouds, additional technologies must be used to produce green hydrogen efficiently.

Price explosions for iridium and acute shortages are inevitable

Based on the expected ramp-up figures for hydrogen, a key technology for the energy transition, by 2035, there is an enormous discrepancy between production volumes and demand. If all the iridium mined worldwide up to 2035 were to be used only for PEM electrolysers, this would only cover around one eighth of the EU’s planned hydrogen production from the adopted hydrogen initiative. Not to mention the rest of the world and other fields of application that would be left without iridium. That won’t work. It is also not possible to expand production capacities of the rare substance – because there are no pure iridium mines. The metal is merely a by-product of platinum extraction. It is foreseeable that platinum production will be reduced in the future, as the market for combustion engines is collapsing for manufacturers of catalytic converters, one of the main customers for platinum. Is the energy transition therefore in danger? If we were to rely solely on PEM, then that would be the case. So far, there are no alternatives to iridium. No other element protects so well against corrosion and resists air, water, salt or acids so well. Even if alternatives were found, these materials would be expensive and rare and would not be able to replace iridium completely. Iridium is already one of the five most expensive metals in the world.

Enapter AG: It also works without iridium

However, there is a hydrogen technology that, like alkaline electrolysers, works without iridium and at the same time copes well with the fluctuation of solar and wind energy. This is the AEM technology. The market leader in AEM with a track record in industrial applications is Enapter AG (€ 5.12 | ISIN: DE000A255G02).

AEM technology has a dry cathode, which means that only one side is exposed to the electrolytes.
In addition, the electrolyte is not nearly as aggressive with AEM.Corrosion protection for the steel plates used is not necessary.The key technology for AEM is the membranes, for which Enapter holds patents according to industry experts and analysts. It is therefore difficult for PEM manufacturers to enter the future-oriented AEM market quickly. The fact that no expensive elements are installed in the so-called stacks – the core modules that produce the hydrogen – means that mass production of hydrogen cores is possible. Enapter has already laid the foundations for this with finished production halls in Saerbeck. Meanwhile, production of the stacks in Pisa is running at full speed. One stack produces just over one liter of hydrogen per day. Just under a year ago, Enapter presented its multicore devices, which marked the company’s entry into the industrial megawatt class.

Together, 420 of the stacks produce 450 kilograms of hydrogen per day, which corresponds to an output of one megawatt. Enapter has now reported a 730% increase in orders for the first quarter. The drivers are the multicore devices, which are finding more and more customers worldwide for a wide variety of applications.A sales cooperation in the USA and a partnership with the electric motor specialist Wolong in China underline Enapter’s ambitions in the two most important growth markets.

Use the low price to enter the market? Analysts optimistic!

In the waning hype surrounding hydrogen as a result of rising interest rates, Enapter shares took a beating in 2023 and were punished along with the industry. With the increasing orders behind it, the patents and no foreseeable shortage of raw materials, Enapter is well positioned as the only producer of suitable electrolysers for green hydrogen to set up real mass production of electrolysers. However, a possible shortage of raw materials and corresponding negative price spirals would probably only have a minor impact on the company. This is also the view of Bryan Garnier’s investment bankers. All other producers of electrolysers were downgraded by the institute precisely because of the foreseeable raw material problems with iridium. Only Enapter retained its “buy” rating. The analysts at mwb fairtrade also see great potential at the current price level of almost 200 percent to € 15. In the medium and long term, there is much to be said for the superiority of AEM technology in terms of raw material usage and thus price stability or even significantly falling prices.

Please note: Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below).

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Graphics: Das Investor Magazin, Enapter



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