Dienstag , 22 Oktober 2024
Friwo AG Roller Zweirad Elektromotor

Friwo promises a turnaround in 2024!

Friwo‘s shares started the year 2023 well and then fell sharply. In an interview with Investor Magazin, CFO Tobias Tunsch promises a turnaround for 2024 and explains why the company failed to achieve its own targets in the last year.

First the share plummeted, then came the profit warning!

Things didn’t start so badly for Friwo (€28.20 | DE0006201106) in 2023. The share was able to sustainably overcome the €40 mark and our discussion from the beginning of December 2022 also seemed to pay off. In view of the weakening global economy, we advised in our update to calmly tighten the stop. This turned out to be the right strategy, as the share price fell over the summer. This was followed by the profit and sales warning at the end of October. The figures for the third quarter make it clear: at €29.9 million, turnover between July and September was well below the previous year’s figure of €58.6 million. Over the nine months as a whole, the drop in turnover amounted to around a third. In terms of EBIT, the Westphalian company slipped into the red at €-0.6 million.

Weak consumption leads to cancellations

What had happened? In an interview with Investor Magazin, CFO Tobias Tunsch explained that Friwo was particularly affected by weak consumer spending. In principle, the medium-sized company is well positioned: On the one hand, Friwo has an established, slightly growing industrial business with the three divisions Tools, Industrials and Medical. On the other hand, the company has invested heavily in the Indian two-wheeler market as part of a joint venture and has the opportunity to gain significant market share, thanks to its own expertise in electric drives. Tunsch only had positive things to report from this business area.

However, the weakness in consumption in established markets led to customers canceling orders. Stocks did not empty quite as quickly as hoped. According to Tunsch, this effect should now calm down. We are already hearing from customers that stocks need to be replenished. In this respect, the CFO assumes that the company will be able to return to its growth path in 2024. However, Tunsch did not provide any specific figures.

Nevertheless, it is clear where the optimism comes from. After all, the company is likely to take off in India in particular. India has the largest two-wheeler market in the world in terms of volume and motorcycles with electric drives are also gaining market share there. As Friwo holds less than 50 percent of the joint venture, this business is only included in the balance sheet through license income and potential dividends.

Would more be possible without the major shareholder?

However, this growth story is still hampered by a burdensome shareholder structure. There were already rumors during the Eigenkapitalforum in Frankfurt at the end of November that major shareholder VTC, which holds 81.5% of the shares, would like to sell shares. So far, however, nothing has come of this rumor. In our opinion, this is the biggest obstacle for Friwo. With a higher free float and then probably rising trading volumes, more funds and asset managers would have the confidence to invest in the share. As a result, larger investors are holding back and the management’s hands are tied.

In addition, Friwo has, in principle, the know-how to get involved in the market for electrically powered two-wheelers in Europe or North America. However, this would require more money and would probably involve a capital increase. However, this is not possible without the consent of the major shareholder. And so its sleepiness is reflected in the share’s lack of momentum. For the time being, we will remain a silent observer on the sidelines.

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Graphics: Das Investor Magazin, Pixabay, Friwo



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