Dienstag , 22 Oktober 2024
Apple iPhone Aktie Chart

Apple: Buying opportunity or wait and see?

Apple‘s stock has been a rock until now. But since the latest quarterly figures, the company has failed as the locomotive of the Nasdaq. Is it worth buying the latest dip or should investors stay away?

Apple: Stay away for a long time?

Apple ($179.46 | AAPL) is the world’s most valuable company. The iPhone is still a cash machine par excellence, along with its derivative products. Accordingly, Apple was the first company ever to reach a stock market valuation of more than $3 billion. That is significantly more than the value of all companies of the DAX or the CAC40 combined. At the end of July, the share reached its all-time high of more than $196. But then Apple published the figures for the quarter, which disappointed. Apple showed weak growth and obviously some investors felt compelled to take profits. After all, the share has gained more than 50 percent since the beginning of the year.

Apple: Share with fans

There have been setbacks like this time and again over the past ten years. But there are now increasing signs that the hype surrounding the share could be over. No question: Apple remains a top company. And many investors hold the stock – similar to Tesla – because they are also fans of the products. But that alone is apparently no longer enough to keep reaching new highs.

Apple share: Valuation remains high!

The reason is probably the valuation. Anyone who analyzes the most important key figures automatically comes to the conclusion that the Apple share is overvalued.

  • The price/earnings ratio is currently around 30, which is 50 percent above the average of the past ten years.
  • The EV/Ebitda is currently around 22; in the past decade, this averaged 14.
  • Apple’s price/sales ratio is around 7.1, compared with a ten-year average of 4.6.

So investors could well be of the opinion that the Apple share has reached a top. After all, Apple has not been growing as dynamically as it used to for a long time. In the third quarter (Q1 starts at Apple in October), the company beat analysts’ expectations, but the worry lines did not get smaller. For example, the Cupertino-based company posted its third consecutive quarterly revenue decline, down -1.4 percent. The strong service business compensated for the weakness in iPhone sales. Net income did rise 2.2 percent to $19.9 billion between April and June. But does such low earnings growth justify a P/E ratio of around 30?

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The overall market weakens

Especially since the entire tech sector is no longer showing such strong momentum as in previous month. This is also reflected in the Nasdaq 100, which has lost around 1,000 points since its high. Currently, the index is struggling to reach the 50 day moving average, and however, the falling 10 day moving average line signals a clear downward trend. There are simply not enough buyers to lift the index back above this important chart hurdle. Weakness in Apple stock, which has been so strong so far and is highly weighted in the indices, would permanently weigh on the Nasdaq and the S&P 500.

Weakness only due to seasonality?

However, credit must be given: August is seasonally a weak stock market month. North America has it’s summer break, and the situation in Europe is similar. While traders often use the low trading volumes at Christmas to pull up prices, it is the other way around in August.

Conclusion: The question is whether the Apple share rally is over for the time being and whether further air must escape from the share. Or whether the “buy the dip” that was so lucrative in the past could now be the order of the day again? The fact is that Apple is no longer growing as strongly as it used to, and that does not justify the current valuation. In addition, the U.S., which accounts for 40 percent of Apple’s sales, is threatened by a recession. Other markets like China or Europe have been weakening for a while. One or the other buyer might get the idea to postpone the purchase of his next iPhone until next year.

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Graphics: Das Investor Magazin, Pixabay



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