Without innovation, there is no growth in the economy and certainly not for companies. We take a look at the world’s most innovative companies in terms of the number of patents filed. And it’s not necessarily the usual suspects that are at the top of the list.
Patents: a measure of innovative strength
Every year, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) publishes the number of patents filed by companies. This figure is a good indicator of a company’s innovative capability and – even if it is “only” the U.S. market – also a good benchmark for comparing companies worldwide. After all, the U.S. market is still by far the largest in the world in many areas. Accordingly, many international companies file their patents with the USPTO first, before having their ideas and brands protected elsewhere. Last year, more than 350,000 applications for patent protection were filed with the agency. By comparison, the German Patent Office receives about 100,000 submissions annually.
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Apple not at the top!
The world’s largest company in terms of market capitalization is not at the top of the ranking. Even though Apple has just unveiled its VR glasses, the Cupertino-based company lands in ninth place in the USPTO ranking. After all, the technology group filed 2,185 patents in 2022. So the Californians have innovative power. However, fans and many investors miss the really big ideas like the iPhone, which is still the company’s biggest cash machine. 3M did not even make it into the top 10. The Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company from Saint Paul was once considered the world market leader when it came to innovations and was always at one of the top positions of the list. While 3M stock is popular with many dividend hunters, other companies file more patents today.

Samsung Electronics: The patent world champion
At the top of the innovation ranking is Samsung Electronics. The South Koreans are one of the largest electronics companies in the world, with more than 260,000 employees and over $200 billion in sales. Consumers are most familiar with the smartphones, tablets and TVs produced by the company, which was founded in Suwon in 1969. However, Samsung Electronics also manufactures ultrasound and X-ray equipment, for example. In 2022, the company filed 6,248 patents with the USPTO, almost as many as in the previous year. Behind the Asians comes International Business Machines, better known as IBM, with just under 4,400 patents filed. What is striking is that “Big Blue” seems to have lost some of its innovative power, with more than 45 percent fewer than in the previous year. However, when it comes to this key figure, it is not only the mass that counts, but also the class. In third place comes Taiwan Semiconductors (TSMC), the world’s largest chip company. The Formosa-based company is currently building new factories all over the world in order to reduce its dependence on the domestic market. Finally, Taiwan is threatened with annexation by the People’s Republic of China, which considers the island a renegade province. In addition to these heavyweights, the Chinese telecommunications company Huawei Technologies, the Japanese camera manufacturer Canon, LG Electronics from South Korea, the U.S. companies Qualcomm, Intel and Apple, and last but not least Toyota Motors as the only car company also make it into the top 10. It is striking that three semiconductor manufacturers make it into the top 10 and not the currently so hyped Nvidia. This shows how important chips are in our society today.
Please note: Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below).
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Charts/Graphics/Tables: Das Investor Magazin, Banyan Gold
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