In good times, they generate high free cash flows; in bad times, they face bankruptcy: the shares of smaller oil and gas producers are a cyclical investment. With the rising oil price, they have now left the valley of tears. After a prolonged period of consolidation, a further price surge can be expected if the price of crude oil continues to rise. We introduce one of the big players from the armada of many small ones.
Obsidian Energy: an oil and gas producer in Canada
For Obsidian Energy ($ 6,87; OBE), 2018, 2019 and 2020 were the years when it was all about survival. The losses were gigantic, and in relation even higher the debts. Stephen Lukas, the new president and CEO hired during the crisis, managed to stabilize the situation with fresh capital, debt restructuring and austerity measures. Reading the 2022 press release published on February 23, 2023, a completely different picture emerges: Obsidian Energy is highly profitable and financially sound, and oil and gas production is significantly higher than it was five years ago.
Obsidian Energy: Key figures
Key figures: Cash flow from operations increased to C$ 456.8 million from C$ 198.7 million in 2021, while net income increased to C$ 810.1 million from C$414.0 million. Oil and gas production of 31,742 barrels per day (boe/d) in Q4 2022 was 20% higher than the previous year. Debt was reduced by 23% to C$ 316.8 million. C$ 319.4 million was invested in the growth of the company in 2022 (2021: C$ 141.0 million). Significantly more oil reserves were developed than produced. The cost per barrel rose from C$ 13.04 to C$ 14.29 due to inflation, and after deducting royalties (levies to the Canadian government) and transportation costs, C$ 46.79 per barrel was earned (2021: C$ 31.41/bbl). And up to 8.074 million treasury shares will be repurchased in 2023 (10% of all outstanding shares). Obsidian Energy’s market capitalization is currently just under C$ 520 million. Earnings per share at C$ 9.84, the P/E ratio thus just below 1. From an investor’s point of view, everything looks very positive, especially since the stock is valued very low. Two questions arise: How does Obsidian Energy produce oil and gas? And how sustainable are the profits reported for 2022?
Alberta in western Canada also offers opportunities for the small ones

Canada is the fourth largest oil producer in the world and has the third largest reserves. The majority of these are located in the Western Canadian Sentimentary Basin in the state of Alberta, with Calgary as its capital. Canadian Natural Resources is the “top dog” with its oil sands production and exploitation of conventional oil deposits in the Montney region. However, there are also plenty of opportunities for smaller companies. For example, Obsidian Energy’s light crude oil production is focused in the Cardium region. There is a smaller project called Viking. Some of the money Obsidian Energy makes in Cardium is used to boost heavy oil production in the Peace River region. Anyone who studies this issue is always confronted with geographic designations like this (see map).
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Canada’s oil resources: Big advantages over fracking!
Unlike fracking in the USA, these are conventional oil deposits. Nevertheless, there too – in order to increase production – water, polymers and even carbon dioxide are pumped into the wells, which not only run vertically but also horizontally at the end. The big advantage over fracking is that the annual decline in production is comparatively low and there is no need to constantly inject new capital to keep production going. If you want to be successful here, you need technical know-how, but you also have to be good at capital allocation. These are decisions like this: How much money is invested in which project, what proportion of free cash flow is used to reduce debt or for share buybacks or dividends? What is the sustainable debt level so as not to go under when oil prices are low?
A cautious outlook for 2023
2022 was an exceptional year for the industry with an average crude oil price of 94 US dollars/barrel. Obsidian Energy is taking the precaution of calculating an oil price of 80 US dollars/barrel and only 7% growth for 2023. CapEx will be cut by 20% in exchange for a further C$ 100m reduction in debt to C$ 215m. This brings them down from 1.9 times operating cash flow (2021) to a fairly comfortable 0.6x. In turn, the ability to borrow short-term has been increased from C$ 175 million to C$ 200 million. “A vote of confidence in our company,” said CEO Stephen Lukas.

High expectations
This overall cautious outlook did not go down well with investors euphoric from 537% share price appreciation in three years. Obsidian Energy was the second-best-performing stock on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) from 2020 to 2022 and the best-performing oil stock during that time. That raises expectations. The share price, along with weaker oil prices, came back from its cyclical high of C$ 15 to below C$ 8 in March 2023.
$2 billion losses on the balance sheet could attract buyers
Investors can watch Obsidian Energy’s stock price fluctuate daily with the price of crude oil. Therefore, anyone buying this stock needs to have a clear opinion on the future direction of the price of oil. If Goldman Sachs is right with its forecast of US$ 95 per barrel at the end of the year, it would be a good investment from this point of view. In addition, of course, there is the “execution risk” – for example, how well the heavy oil project in the Peace River region of Alberta goes. In addition, there is the opportunity of a potential acquisition. Obsidian Energy has a credit balance (loss carry forward) of over C$ 2 billion with the IRS from previous loss years and will pay virtually no income taxes for the next 6-7 years. That’s a monetary benefit of a few dollars per share. (Author: Rainer Kromarek)
Please note: The author owns shares in Obsidian Energy and Canadian Natural Resources. Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below).
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harts/Tabellen: Das Investor Magazin, Obsidian Energy
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