Recently, Delignit‘s share has been in the shadows. But now the second-tier stock is getting back on track operationally. The East Westphalians are scoring points with growth, price increases and sustainability.
Cost increases and sales problems
Cost increases, supply chain and sales problems caused significant problems with revenues and margins at Delignit (6.75 euros; DE000A0MZ4B0) since mid-2021. The share price roughly halved in about 12 months. In the meantime, however, the situation has calmed down – operationally and in terms of the share price. The company from Blomberg in East Westphalia seems to have found its way back on track. At least that is the message that CEO Markus Büscher gave to investors last week at the Munich Capital Markets Conference (MKK). And we also have a lot to take from it.
Delignit: 2022 better than expected
Büscher can point to a strong set of figures. 2022 sales improved by 10 percent to EUR 75.4 million despite the difficult first half of the year. EBITDA increased by 16 percent to 6.5 million euros, while net profit even rose by 19 percent to 2.8 million euros. At the beginning of the year, Delignit had still indicated margin problems. Thus, the worst seems to be over.
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This is because the company expects further growth in 2023. According to the forecast, revenues are to increase by 17 percent to 88 million euros – with an equally strong increase in earnings. If the revenue target is met, we should certainly experience a positive surprise in terms of earnings. In Blomberg, the stock is traditionally stacked deep. The analysts at SMC Research assume that the cost increases can continue to be passed on to customers.
Delignit: Uniquely positioned as a sustainable supplier
But Delignit doesn’t have to hide either. The company is well positioned and actually has no competition in its niche. In principle, the company supplies components for equipping light commercial vehicles – classic delivery and tradesmen’s vehicles, for example. Delignit can score points with the material. It mainly uses wood from beech trees. Renewable materials are well received by both customers and investors. Büscher also emphasized at the MKK that the company has no problems with climate change. The beech used copes well with falling precipitation and higher temperatures – unlike spruce or pine, for example.

Not unimpacted of the economy
Delignit sees itself as benefiting from three trends. Demand for light commercial vehicles is growing as people store online. At the same time, logistics companies are paying more and more attention to sustainable aspects in order to reduce their CO-2 footprint. Last but not least, the regulatory environment favors sustainable powertrains, prompting more and more companies to switch and thus make new purchases. However, it is also clear that Delignit does not operate entirely independently of economic fluctuations. After all, on the one hand, citizens are also tightening their belts at present, and on the other hand, the propensity of many companies to invest seems to be declining. There may well be economic headwinds in the second half of the year.
Delignit: These are possible catalysts!
Delignit currently has a market capitalization of around EUR 55 million. This corresponds to about two-thirds of the planned sales for 2023. In terms of P/E, the share is not quite cheap. However, we have assumed the company’s forecast. Some measures could lead to a significantly better result. Internationalization should be mentioned here; the export share is currently around 61%. In addition, Delignit controls the entire value chain, i.e. from the beech log to the processed end product. This could be a clear advantage in terms of CO2 certificates. Last but not least, the topic of insulation is high on the agenda of the real estate industry and homeowners. Here, the potential has certainly not yet been exhausted. And: the number of genuine, sustainable shares (without greenwashing) in Germany is very limited; accordingly, funds that take a serious, sustainable approach can hardly avoid the stock.
However, there is also a clear disadvantage. Major shareholder MBB out of Berlin holds 75.5 percent of the shares, consequently the free float is quite small and certainly deters one or the other professional investor and sustainability fund from an investment. There has been speculation for years about a reduction in the shareholding, but nothing has happened so far.
Our conclusion: Delignit AG (6.75 euros; DE000A0MZ4B0) is one of the most interesting German second-line stocks, which offers a lot of sustainability in addition to a portion of growth. We see the forecast as conservative, so there is room for positive surprises. The equity ratio (63%) and the declining debt also speak for the stock. The share is trading only slightly above the prices at the beginning of the year and has lost ground in total for two years. Analysts are optimistic. SMC Research has just raised the price target to 10.70 euros. Pareto Securities issues a price target of 12.50 euros, Hauck & Aufhäuser even 13 euros. Double-digit prices are possible in the medium term if Delignit can continue the positive operating trend including better margins. We do not want to rule out positive surprises from the operating business or from the major shareholder.
Please note: Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below).
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