Sonntag , 9 März 2025
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Covestro: Adnoc increases takeover offer!

According to media reports, Covestro has now received a higher takeover offer from Adnoc, the state-owned oil company from Abu Dhabi. Speculation about this continues, with Covestro shares leading the DAX.

Sunshine for the chemical sector today!

Already yesterday, the sun shone over the German chemical industry – at least for the major shares. Shares in the giant BASF (€47 | DE000BASF111) rose significantly despite the latest profit warning. In principle, dark clouds are hanging over the industry, which is, after all, particularly sensitive to the economic situation. And as is well known, the market is concerned about the state of the economy in both China and the USA.

New speculation? Covestro facing takeover?

But today that is not an issue for Covestro shares (€49.50 | DE0006062144). In the morning, it led the DAX with a gain of more than five percent. This was due to media reports that the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, or Adnoc, had increased its takeover offer to €57 per share. This is two Euros more than at the beginning of the month. At that time, Bloomberg had reported that the Arabs were seeking a takeover. A Covestro spokesman declined to comment to news agencies on the allegedly increased offer.

Covestro: The rumor mill is bubbling!

But the question is whether it is still worthwhile for investors to invest. The current stock market value is just under 9.4 billion euros, and the share price is about 15 percent below the alleged takeover offer. The rumor mill says that Covestro management considered the first offer too low. In addition, Adnoc seems to have been ill-prepared when it came to the site and employment guarantees that are so important in Germany. However, it was rumored weeks ago among stock market participants that Adnoc would go the extra mile.

Adnoc OMV Borealis Covestro
Graphic: Abu Dhabi National Oil Company is on a growth path and has the firepower to do it. The focus is on oil, gas and chemicals.

Is an Austro-Arab merger coming first?

That’s a lot of rumors at once. One thing is clear: it won’t happen quite so quickly. Because apparently the giant from the Persian Gulf has many plans. As Bloomberg also reported, Adnoc and Austrian energy group OMV are looking into merging their companies Borouge and Borealis. This would create one of the largest chemical companies in the world, with a market value of more than $30 billion. How much truth there is in this report is much easier to determine, because Adnoc admitted a few days later that it is in talks about this merger (see here). And what makes it easier: Adnoc already has a stake in the parent company OMV and holds 25 percent of Borealis.

Adnoc: The giant from the Emirates

What is clear, however, is that the Arabs want to grow and have the firepower for many takeovers. Adnoc manages all the oil and gas in the United Arab Emirates and wants to grow globally in the natural gas, chemicals and clean energy sectors. It has about $150 billion on hand to do so. That would be more than enough money to convince Covestro management and shareholders to make a takeover.

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Conclusion: For those who are invested in Covestro anyway, it is certainly worth holding on to the pieces. A takeover that has never been confirmed by the parties involved will not be made public even if it fails. However, you should keep an eye on the clouds in the chemical sky. German corporations in particular are groaning under the weak economy and high energy prices. For risk-averse traders, on the other hand, it could be worthwhile to build up positions in Covestro on weak days. A takeover price of €57 or even more could result in substantial price gains. Those who take a more conservative approach to the stock markets should stay away from Covestro. There is simply too much speculation and rumors in the stock at the moment.


Please note: Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below).

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Graphics: Das Investor Magazin, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc), Pixabay



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