Sonntag , 9 März 2025

Nvidia: Absolutely demolished Expectations!

Nvidia has exceeded all expectations with its quarterly figures. Sales, profit and cash flow increase significantly, the data center segment drives the business of the chip giant. The share price continues to rise after trading hours and pulls the entire industry up with it.

Nvidia: Market expectations demolished!

Expectations were high and many investors had already bet on Nvidia ($471.16 | $NVDA) in recent days, and some analysts had already raised their price targets in advance. The chips of the company from Santa Clara in California continue to find brisk sales. The share price increased yesterday after hours in New York strongly to a new All Time High. This morning in Europe, the stock is already up more than eight percent. At the same time Nvidia pulls up the entire industry and could still provide for a conciliatory stock exchange August at Nasdaq and S&P 500. Yesterday evening, the stocks of competitors such as AMD, Intel and others were already able to gain. In Germany, the papers of Infineon and Aixtron benefited from the results.

CHart Nvidia Segments Jefferies Stock market Chips AI
Nvidia once came of age with the gaming business. A look at the past few years shows that AI (data center) is now driving growth. Jefferies Securities analysts expect the dominance of this segment to increase considerably in the coming years. Source: Jefferies Securities.

Thanks to AI development: Sales, profit and free cash flow explode!

In the second fiscal quarter of 2023, Nvidia more than doubled revenue across the group compared to the same quarter last year. Revenue rose 101% to $13.51 billion. The consensus had expected only $11.05 billion. The driver of the growth is the data center segment, which is benefiting most from the development in the field of artificial intelligence. But Nvidia is also earning real money, and that distinguishes the hype around this company from many stories from the dot-com boom around the turn of the millennium. For example, operating income on a non-GAAP basis improved 487% to $7.78 billion. Net income jumped 422% to $6.74 billion. In terms of earnings per share, Nvidia landed at $2.70, more than a five-fold increase over Q2 2022. The analysts’ estimates of 2.07 US dollars were clearly exceeded.

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Nvidia raises outlook and expands share buyback program!

For the current third quarter of 2023, Nvidia expects sales of 16 billion US dollars with a deviation of plus/minus 2 percent. This figure is also clearly above analysts’ average expectations of $12.39 billion. As a result, profits should also continue to grow, especially since half of Q3 is already behind us. Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of Nvidia, sees a new “computing era” beginning, as he said, according to the press release, The entrepreneur also had a present for the shareholders: Thus, the current share buyback program will be expanded by $25 billion.

Analysts increase profit targets – again!

Analysts are also optimistic about the Nvidia share. Thus, Jefferies Securisties has significantly raised its forecasts for sales and earnings in the coming years in an initial assessment. The dynamics of growth clearly exceed all expectations. It is impressive that Nvidia is still able to increase its profit margins. Jefferies expects the data center segment to grow even more steeply, thus increasing its dominance within the Nvidia group (see chart above). The analyst consensus projects earnings per share of $12.60 in 2023. Jefferies has raised its EPS forecast from $17 to $23 in 2026. If growth continues, the stock is not expensive. However, there are challenges: For example, Nvidia has its chips manufactured by Taiwanese giant TSMC, which should be seen as critical in light of deteriorating Sino-American relations. China now accounts for about one-fifth of Nvidia’s business. Overall, however, the Nvidia share is now no longer expensive. The P/E ratio of around 60 is justified by the dynamics in the business.

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Graphics: Das Investor Magazin, Pixabay, Nvidia, Jefferies Securities



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