Sonntag , 9 März 2025
Wall Street, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, Boradway, New York

Wall Street: These are the 2024 favorites!

Despite war, crises, debt, high interest rates and trade disputes: Wall Street has had a top stock market year. And 2024 also promises plenty of emotion, as the focus is not only on monetary policy, but also on the US presidential election in November. We took a look around and collected the experts’ favorites.

2023: Top year on the stock market

The Nasdaq 100 gained as much as 54% last year. 2023 was the best year for US tech stocks since 1999. The “Magnificent Seven” in particular drove the markets, with Nvidia and Meta standing out in terms of performance. But what will happen in 2024? The Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy will certainly be in focus: will the US economy achieve a “soft landing” or will the recession hit with a vengeance? From the summer onwards, all eyes are likely to be on the US presidential elections. Which sectors will benefit from which candidate and who will win in the end? This often determines performance in the run-up and then often for several years afterwards.

Which US equities offer the highest price potential?

Most banks took out their crystal balls back in December and issued their price targets for equity indices, oil and gold. We think it’s worth taking a look at some of the market’s favorites. First, we look at the price potential according to analyst consensus: which stocks offer the most potential in the new year? We will limit ourselves to stocks from the S&P500 and the Nasdaq 100 (as at December 31, 2023).

  • Las Vegas Sands ($LVS, entertainment): MCap of around $25 billion. Current share price: $49.21, average target price: $ 63.The upside potential is therefore 28%.
  • Aptiv ($APTV, Automotive): MCap around $25 bn. Current share price: $89.72, average target price: $115. The upside potential is therefore 28%.
  • Marathon Oil ($MRO, oil/gas producer): MCap around $14 bn. Current price: $24.16, average target price: $32. The upside potential is therefore 32%.
  • Schlumberger ($SLB, oil/gas service provider): MCap around $74 bn. Current price: $52.04, average target price: $69. The upside potential is therefore 32%.
  • Nvidia ($NVDA, chip manufacturer): MCap around $1.2 trillion. Current share price: $497, average target price: US652. The upside potential is therefore 31%.
  • Halliburton ($HAL, oil/gas service provider): MCap around $ 32 billion. Current share price: $36.15, average target price: $48. The upside potential is therefore 33%.
  • First Solar ($FSLR, solar modules): MCap around $18 bn. Current share price: $172, average target price: $230. The upside potential is therefore 34%.
  • ($JD, e-commerce): MCap around $43 bn. Current share price: $28.89, average target price: $44. The upside potential is therefore 52%.

Equities: The favorites of US stock market journalists

However, analysts generally tend to be highly optimistic. This is especially true if the bank behind the analyst also does other business with the companies discussed. It is therefore worthwhile for investors to take a look at the investor magazines. In the USA, Barron’s is by far the most popular publication. And, as every year, the editorial team there has also selected its favorites for 2024, and these are:

  • Alibaba Group ($BABA, e-commerce)
  • Alphabet ($GOOG, technology)
  • Barrick Gold ($GOLD, gold producer)
  • Berkshire Hathaway ($BRKA, investment company)
  • BionTech ($BNTX, biotechnology)
  • Chevron Energy ($CVX, oil producer)
  • Hertz Global Holdings ($HTZ, car rental company)
  • Madison Square Garden Sports ($MSGS, entertainment)
  • Pepsi Co ($PEP, food)
  • U-Haul Holding ($UHAL, logistics):

Which shares have the most buy recommendations?

As an investor, you could also make it easy for yourself and bet on those companies that have the most buy recommendations across all analysts. These are:

  • Amazon ($AMZN): 68 buy recommendations
  • Meta ($META): 66 buy recommendations
  • Microsoft ($MSFT): 60 buy recommendations
  • Nvidia ($NVDA): 59 buy recommendations
  • Alphabet ($GOOG): 56 buy recommendations
  • Uber ($UBER): 50 buy recommendations
  • Crowdstrike ($CRWD): 45 Buy recommendations
  • Salesforce ($CRM): 41 Buy recommendations
  • Mastercard ($MA): 41 Buy recommendations
  • Palo Alto Networks ($PANW): 41 Buy recommendations
  • AMD ($AMD): 40 Buy recommendations
  • Visa ($V): 39 Buy recommendations
  • Wal Mart ($WMT): 38 Buy recommendations
  • Netflix ($NFLX): 38 Buy recommendations
  • Service Now ($NOW): 38 Buy recommendations
  • Block ($SQ): 36 buy recommendations
  • McDonalds ($MCD): 35 buy recommendations

Dogs of the Dow: The easiest way!

Many US investors follow the “Dogs of the Dow” strategy. This is quite simple: on the first trading day of the year, the ten stocks from the Dow Jones Industrial Index with the highest dividend yield are bought. The same amount is invested in each one. No matter what the stock market does, investors must then hold on to these ten stocks. At the end of the year, the accounts are settled as usual. Investors have beaten the index in many years with this strategy. Recently, however, this has not been so successful, as stocks with low dividend yields have performed particularly well. However, this strategy can be worth its weight in gold in more uncomfortable stock market times. Of course, the principle can also be applied to the DAX 40 or the Euro Stoxx 50 if you want to invest in Europe. And here are the 10 Dow Jones stocks with the highest dividends at the end of the year:

  • Walgreens ($WBA, pharmacy chain): 7.2% dividend yield
  • Verizon ($VZ, telecommunications): 7.1% dividend yield
  • 3M ($3M, conglomerate): 5.5% dividend yield
  • Dow Inc ($DOW, chemicals): 5% dividend yield
  • IBM ($IBM, technology): 4% dividend yield
  • Chevron Energy ($CVX, oil producer): 4% dividend yield
  • Amgen ($AMGN, biotechnology): 3.1% dividend yield
  • Coca-Cola ($KO, food): 3.1% dividend yield
  • Cisco Systems ($CSCO, technology): 3.1% dividend yield
  • Johnson & Johnson ($JNJ, cosmetics/pharmaceuticals): 3% dividend yield

If you want to invest in the USA, you can pick your favorites and adapt them to your individual strategy. Neither we nor the analysts or stock market journalists mentioned here have a crystal ball. Therefore, we wish you a happy new year and good stock market trading!

Please note: Investments in the capital markets are associated with a high level of risk. Investors can lose all of their capital – and more. Remember to do your own due diligence! The content of this website is intended exclusively for readers who are permanent residents of Germany. The German disclaimer applies (see below). 

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Graphics: Das Investor Magazin, Pixabay



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